Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
seq = trim(request("idxno"))
''''' 조회수 증가
sql = "update article set hit = hit + 1 where seq = " & seq
''''' 상세보기
sql = "select section_code,sub_section_code, "
sql = sql & "title,sub_title, "
sql = sql & "user_id,user_name,user_email, "
sql = sql & "vod_date,vod_kind,vod,contents,hit,related_article, "
sql = sql & "reg_date,reg_time,modify_date,modify_time "
sql = sql & "from article where seq = " & seq
rs.open sql,news_dbCon
if (not rs.BOF and not rs.EOF) then
section_code = trim(rs(0))
sub_section_code = trim(rs(1))
title = trim(rs(2))
sub_title = trim(rs(3))
user_id = trim(rs(4))
user_name = trim(rs(5))
user_email = trim(rs(6))
vod_date = trim(rs(7))
vod_kind = trim(rs(8))
vod = trim(rs(9))
contents = trim(rs(10))
hit = trim(rs(11))
related_article = trim(rs(12))
reg_date = trim(rs(13))
reg_time = trim(rs(14))
modify_date = trim(rs(15))
modify_time = trim(rs(16))
if (contents = "" or isnull(contents)) then
contents = ""
if (section_code = "S1N9") then
contents = Replace_DB_to_Show_Content(contents)
end if
contents = replace(contents , "http://www.newsmission.com/news/photo/" , "../sharedata/photo/")
end if
reg_time = " " & reg_time
modify_time = " " & modify_time
end if
<!--#include file = "../include/title.asp"-->
if (sub_title <> "") then
end if
<%=user_name%> (<%=user_email%>)
<% if (reg_date <> "0000-00-00" and reg_date <> "") then %>
l 등록일:<%=reg_date%><%=reg_time%>
<% end if %>
<% if (modify_date <> "0000-00-00" and modify_date <> "") then %>
l 수정일:<%=modify_date%><%=modify_time%>
<% end if %>
0) then response.write "view_contents_goodtv_bg" else response.write "view_contents_newsmission_bg" end if %>">
end if
if (Instr(http_host , "goodtvnews.co.kr")> 0) then
저작권자(c) GoodTV뉴스. 무단전재-재배포금지
저작권자(c) 뉴스미션. 무단전재-재배포금지
end if
''''' 관련기사보기
if (related_article <> "") then
sql = "select seq,title from article where seq IN (" & mid(related_article,2) & ") "
rs.open sql,news_dbCon
if (not rs.BOF and not rs.EOF) then
do until rs.EOF
related_article__seq = trim(rs(0))
related_article__title = trim(rs(1))